Better Business

Better Business

Our modest goals

Our modest goals

Build a great team.
Build an even better product.
Do our part to improve the world.
Support stakeholder capitalism.

Commitment to
better business

Koxa strives to conduct itself as a Better Business. What does that mean? Simply, we want to use Koxa as a force for good – to make a positive impact on our team, communities, clients, and other stakeholders. Others describe this as pursuing a triple bottom line: profit, people, planet.

closeup photo of
Better Business mission

Commitment to better business

Koxa strives to conduct itself as a Better Business. What does that mean? Simply, we want to use Koxa as a force for good – to make a positive impact on our team, communities, clients, and other stakeholders. Others describe this as pursuing a triple bottom line: profit, people, planet.

Below are some concrete steps we’ve taken to further our Better Business mission:


Legal Structure

We established Koxa Corp. as a Delaware public benefit corporation. This means that we are a for-profit entity with a social mission. Our Board is required under our founding documents to consider all of our stakeholders – our team, our clients, our vendors, our community, our shareholders, and others – when making key decisions. We think this is a significant improvement over, and leads to better outcomes than, the status quo where only shareholders are considered.

Please see the FAQ from our friends at Cooley LLP to learn more about Delaware public benefit corporations.

Third Party Certification

The current gold standard for Better Business is the B Labs Certified B Corp designation. B Labs has been doing incredible work for over a decade to help spread the mission of stakeholder capitalism through their certification programs, education initiatives, and public policy advocacy.

We strive for full B Corp certification in 2022. To show our commitment to this path, we entered B Lab’s program for emerging companies and have attained Certified B Corp Pending status.

Please read more about B Labs and their certification process.

Learn more about B Labs and their certification process.


Community Engagement

Leverage Koxa to expand female participation in fintech

One of our Core Values is “We proactively seek out and support a diverse team.” As a majority women owned business with a female founding CTO, we believe we are particularly well positioned to ensure more women can successfully fill the need for technical roles as the fintech industry continues to grow.

That includes how we recruit (including supporting organizations like the Grace Hopper Program and Tech Ladies), providing training opportunities, internships, and other initiatives. As an early startup, we are still finalizing some of the details, and look forward to sharing them publicly in the near term.

Thought leadership in the financial data community

financial white text

FDX is the consortium of financial institutions, fintechs, and other industry participants that is defining a standard for consumer-permissioned financial data sharing to help protect consumers and improve Open Banking for all participants.

Our Co-Founder and CTO Camellia George is an FDX Emeritus Member, and an active member of this community. Camellia is a principal author of FDXs “User Experience Guidelines” for user consent (published December 2020) and a Taskforce Lead in the API & Data Structures technical working group.

In August 2021, Koxa officially joined FDX as a corporate member. This will allow us to get more of the team involved, continuing and expanding the work Camellia has been doing for the last several years.

Leadership in the financial data

Community Engagement

Leverage Koxa to expand female participation in fintech

One of our Core Values is “We proactively seek out and support a diverse team.” As a majority women owned business with a female founding CTO, we believe we are particularly well positioned to ensure more women can successfully fill the need for technical roles as the fintech industry continues to grow.

That includes how we recruit (including supporting organizations like the Grace Hopper Program and Tech Ladies), providing training opportunities, internships, and other initiatives. As an early startup, we are still finalizing some of the details, and look forward to sharing them publicly in the near term.

financial data exchange
Thought leadership in the financial data community

FDX is the consortium of financial institutions, fintechs, and other industry participants that is defining a standard for consumer-permissioned financial data sharing to help protect consumers and improve Open Banking for all participants.

Our Co-Founder and CTO Camellia George is an FDX Emeritus Member, and an active member of this community. Camellia is a principal author of FDXs “User Experience Guidelines” for user consent (published December 2020) and a Taskforce Lead in the API & Data Structures technical working group.

In August 2021, Koxa officially joined FDX as a corporate member. This will allow us to get more of the team involved, continuing and expanding the work Camellia has been doing for the last several years.

Community Engagement

We are proudly headquartered in NYC with a high-performing, distributed team, and looking for experienced teammates across a range of disciplines.


Vendor Selection

We are formalizing our vendor selection process to ensure our partners are aligned with our Core Values and mission. We currently prioritize B Corps and businesses owned or led by women / individuals from traditionally underrepresented communities, as partners.

financial data exchange
Thought leadership in the financial data community

FDX is the consortium of financial institutions, fintechs, and other industry participants that is defining a standard for consumer-permissioned financial data sharing to help protect consumers and improve Open Banking for all participants.

Our Co-Founder and CTO Camellia George is an FDX Emeritus Member, and an active member of this community. Camellia is a principal author of FDXs “User Experience Guidelines” for user consent (published December 2020) and a Taskforce Lead in the API & Data Structures technical working group.

In August 2021, Koxa officially joined FDX as a corporate member. This will allow us to get more of the team involved, continuing and expanding the work Camellia has been doing for the last several years.

tech ladies uppercase
Leverage Koxa to expand female participation in fintech

One of our Core Values is “We proactively seek out and support a diverse team.” As a majority women owned business with a female founding CTO, we believe we are particularly well positioned to ensure more women can successfully fill the need for technical roles as the fintech industry continues to grow.

That includes how we recruit (including partnering with organizations like Tech Ladies), providing training opportunities and internships, and other initiatives. As an early startup, we are still finalizing some of the details, and look forward to sharing them publicly in the near term.

Community Engagement

We are proudly headquartered in NYC with a high-performing, distributed team, and looking for experienced teammates across a range of disciplines.